Monday, September 27, 2010


I just kind of raced through to get these posted, so apologies if they look out of place! I can't believe I have been working on these cards daily for over 2 months!! Tonight I start my sewing class - I am nervous, but excited too. My machine is all packed and ready to go :-)

It was a dark and stormy night when I made this card. The one below it - don't look too closely at the right side, as I was trying to cover up a mistake! I do like the butterfly/clock though.

Collage class practice in the next two cards. I scored with a HUGE lot of postage stamps at a yard sale, so be prepared to see more stamps in the upcoming days!

Using up some scrapbooking things in my collection.

Fabric scraps and glitter glue = quick and easy!!

A good use of Victoria's Secret tissue paper :-)

Just fiddling with markers and a ruler. Maybe I was hungry, because the one shape ended up looking like a chocolate chip cookie lol!

My friend Arlene sent me the most adorable inspiration card with the flying angel. It has been sitting on my desk, making me smile, so I tried to draw her. Sad sad sad!! But it was fun to try! Thanks, Arlene!!

More scrap booking stuff - felt cheery today!

As always, thanks for taking the time to check out my art. Very much appreciated!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

100 day challenge 40-44

Oh, if I could only get my act together on posting these! I am all caught up with the cards, but woefully late on my blog. Oh well, that's life!

On this card, I took a map and colorized the top portion and made the bottom B&W, then collaged over top.

Just a day of indecision, so I made a card to match.


Used a torn paper/ gessoed background and collages on top.

Just fiddled around with this one using my markers.

As always, thanks for looking!

Monday, September 13, 2010

100 day challenge 35-39

Are you sick of these yet? LOL! I am trying to catch up with getting these photographed and uploaded. That part is not as fun as creating them. Plus I have been enjoying the absolutely delightful weather we have been having. It is HEAVEN having the windows open and breeze coming through instead of listening to the AC run 24/7. Don't even want to THINK about my electricity bill. And without further ado, here are the cards!!

I experimented using ink and a square punch on this card. I find that the more I am working on these cards, the more willing I am to try new things. Believe me, that is a BIG step for me, as I was always the type of person terrified to make mistakes.

This is another card I made in a lesson for my Collafe Coterie class. Chris thinks the kids are spooky looking, and I have to agree!

I used 2 colors of acrylic paint for the background and then stamped the bugs, then used colored pencils to finish.

A quick card using stuff I had laying about on my table.

Another new experience for me - chalk! As a teacher, the only chalk I had ever used was the type that went on the blackboard. I never knew it could be so fun!

Thanks again for looking and letting me share.

Friday, September 10, 2010

100 day challenge 30-34

In "real time" I am half way done this challenge! I am really enjoying it - just when I think that I can't think of one more idea, something comes to me, or I come across a great idea along my internet travels!
This September was bittersweet - it was the first time since 1969 that there was no back to school day in my life. The kids are all done their schooling, I am no longer teaching - close the book on that chapter of my life. But I am so proud of the kids for both having jobs doing what they love, and I am taking this disability time to work on ME!

The next card was from an idea I got on a Youtube video which has a gesso textured background with watercolor crayons. Then I just cut the "LOVE" from a German dictionary and outlined with Sharpie. FInished off with the corner punch.

Day 31 was just a trial and error card - used acrylics for the background and watercolor crayons for the lame mountains lol!

The next card is another "why not try it" project with weaving yarn. I like the way it came out, if I may say so :-)

This is another card I did using methods I learned in my collage class. I used chalks to color the girls - first time I used these. Kristin, don't you think the girl on the right looks like you?? (Kris is my sis!)

And lastly, another gesso/watercolor background and then I stamped the outline of the heart, then colored the inside with a white crayon. I quickly wiped pink ink over top, and the color didn't "take" on the crayon. Finished off with ribbon.

Thanks again for letting me share my work!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Gothic Ghost banners

I just started an online class entitled Romantic Gothic Ghosts. Here are 5 banners I made in the first few classes. I need to get some cheesecloth to hang them from.